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An Special Announcement From the Foundation

The Jewish Community Foundation is pleased to announce that Joshua Stein will serve as its next executive director, beginning in January 2024. Stein will succeed Lauren Mattleman Hoopes, who announced her retirement earlier this year. Stein is currently JCF’s director of philanthropy and has spent the last ten years working closely with Foundation fundholders and communal partners to inspire philanthropy and develop significant charitable resources that will strengthen the community for years to come.   

During his tenure with the Foundation, Stein has overseen its fund development efforts which have included the establishment of 329 new funds totaling nearly $45 million. Through his work with the Foundation’s Create a Jewish Legacy program, he has secured $65 million in new legacy commitments to communal organizations, and provided dozens of agency and synagogue partners with customized planned gift development training, consultancy and stewardship support. Stein has cultivated the next generation of community philanthropists and leaders through his work with J-LEAD, JCF’s successful young adult giving circle.

"Having worked closely with Josh, I have great confidence in his ability to both carry on the tradition of great leadership at JCF, and create his own enduring legacy as our new executive director," said Frank Lipsman, JCF Board President.

Irv Belzer, chair of the succession planning task force that oversaw the hiring process, agreed. “We knew we had ‘big shoes’ to fill and were fortunate to have an outstanding internal candidate for the position,” he said. “Based on his experience, strong relationships within the community, and dedication to the Foundation’s mission, Josh is uniquely qualified to successfully lead our organization into its next chapter.”

Stein brings to this new position 25 years in Jewish communal leadership, a career that has been defined by strategic thinking and distinguished fundraising and marketing success. Prior to joining the Foundation, Stein worked for ten years as campaign director and marketing director of the Jewish Federation of Greater Portland. Before his work in Portland, Stein was the assistant director of IU Hillel in Bloomington, Indiana. He earned a Masters Degree in Jewish Professional Leadership from Brandeis University and completed undergraduate study at the University of Kansas. After his graduation from KU, Stein spent a year working in the Jewish community of Lviv, Ukraine.

Stein is a Kansas City native and the son of Esther and Stewart Stein. He and wife Sheryl have two children, Jonah and Leora. His volunteer work includes serving as a governing board member and executive committee member of Herzl Camp Association and as an inaugural school board member of the Beth Shalom Polsky Religious School Board.

Hoopes, the Foundation’s current executive director, has held the position for nearly 20 years and will generously impart the wisdom and experience she's gained during her tenure to ensure a smooth transition of leadership. “I’m so very pleased with the Board’s choice to promote Josh,” said Hoopes. “Josh came to the Foundation with great communal experience, deep local roots, and most important, qualities of character – integrity, kindness, and the passion for giving – that has made him an outstanding professional, colleague, and community member. Over the past decade, he has grown in both knowledge and experience, now ready to take on this important leadership role. We’re all very excited to see what he will do with our fabulous Foundation in the coming years.”

As executive director, Stein plans to build upon the Foundation’s stellar reputation as a trusted and innovative center for philanthropy which prioritizes personal relationships and exceptional service. "It is a true honor to be amongst the illustrious company of those, such as Lauren, who have served in this role and have grown the Foundation to its current position of strength," said Stein. "I truly believe that not only JCF’s future, but the community’s, will rely upon our continued success in inspiring the imagination of our generous community and giving people the tools and resources to fulfil their charitable goals."

