JCF Board of Trustees
The Jewish Community Foundation is successful thanks to the generosity of its donors, the professionalism of its staff and the commitment of its volunteers. The JCF brings together members of the community who volunteer their time and talents by serving on a variety of committees, which oversee the activities of the Foundation. Committees include Administrative, Audit, Development, Executive, Gift Acceptance, Grants, Investment, Marketing and Nominating.

Joseph L. Hiersteiner, Chair
Martha Gershun, Vice Chair
Lara Krigel Pabst, Vice Chair
Brian M. Scharf, Vice Chair
Catherine D. Singer, Treasurer
Gary Weinberg, Secretary
Frank W. Lipsman, Immediate Past President
Ben Abelson
Ace Allen
Fay Balk
Carol Barnett
Brian Block
Lindsay Fineman
Sondra Friedman, ex-officio
Taly Friedman
Michelle Goldsmith
Edward J. Goldstein
David R. Goodman
Paul Greenwood
Susan Himmelstein
Joshua Hoffman
Pamela Kanter
Jay Lewis, ex-officio
Michael Liss
Linda B. Lyon
Jeffrey Mallin
Alana R. Muller
Robert V. Palan
Scott B. Picker
Rosanne Rosen
Miles Ross
Marcia Soltz
David N. Sosland
Gary Weinberg
Annie Wishna
Ryan Zeldin
Life Trustees
Alice Jacks Achtenberg
Irvin V. Belzer
Merilyn Berenbom
Stanley J. Bushman
Ward A. Katz
Frank W. Lipsman
William B. Lowenstein*
Karen D. Pack
Michael A. Schultz
L. Joshua Sosland
Stanford A. Zeldin
*of blessed memory