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Annual Report

The Annual Report details the financial position of the Jewish Community Foundation and provides highlights of the year. The annual audit report and quarterly interim financial data is available by emailing Elizabeth Peden, Chief Financial Officer.

Investment Performance

Reports of the Foundation’s Investment Pool performance are made available each quarter by our consultants, Strategic Investment Group. Detailed performance figures for each investment manager are also available by contacting the Foundation office at (913) 327-8245. Questions about the Pool and its components can be directed to Elizabeth Peden.

Investment Allocation Options

The Foundation offers several actively managed and passive allocation options for fundholders. The default allocation for Donor Advised Funds is the Common Pool and the default allocation for permanent endowments is the Long Term Pool. Full details may be found on our Investment Allocation Recommendation Form. Contact Elizabeth Peden at (913) 327-8166 with any questions. 

Impact Report

Audit Report

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